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I have some questions please..
Anne_33 Views: 1,645
Published: 15 y

I have some questions please..

Hello everyone!

I have been on the sidelines reading this forum for a few days ..
Unyquity has been working with me for almost a year now..
first getting off the benzos and now..well tryig to get my liver cleaned out. ugh ..and she has had her hands full LOL.. I have tried so many bandaids it ain't even funny ..
I have really been a handful for her I can say...
bless her soul ..shes been woderful though ... she gives me tough love too when I need it...LOL..
I have no faith in the doctors out there either.. they are just pill pushers..and have done nothing to help me and say I shouldn't be having pain ..well duh!! I am !!oh just thinking bout it makes me angry.. deep breath now !

anyways I am attempting a juice fast .. this will be my 6th day cause I am not counting Sat night.. I have had a slip up but for the most part I have stuck to it very well considering how much I love to eat...and I am craving a big tater with real butter and have been ever since I started this fast.. I think my doctor within is telling me something.. of all things to crave huh?

I have fatty liver and liver pain,gastritis, and I cannot take the superfood cause I am sensitive to it or just maybe it detoxes me way too fast for my body to keep up. so now what do I do ?? my my

can't take milk thistle either causes my bp to shoot up and my chest to get tight.. Epsom Salts does me the same way too..

Been told I have leaky gut/candida issues ..
I have lots of allergies/sensitivities and that I feel hinders me from doing the program right..
the benzos really wrecked my system and liver ..It got to where I couldn't even go outside without having a reaction...ugh ..I thought at one time I was doomed to die with this..but much better now..
I am 39 with a long history of alcohol use also ..I also have a hubby that would drink every day if I would let him...he is my bad influence.. ( big sigh)and I am weak at times...everyone I love and hang out with drinks!!
I also quit smoking 4 years ago (yay)
I feel like I am parasite infected..
sometimes I wake up and have bronchitis symptoms which I haven't noticed since being on fast.. yay
I now noticed a cyst or something on my right foot when I started to do the reflexology ...darnit I noticed that last night.. now what is up with that? parastites is my guess..

I am currently trying the Schulze 5 day cleanse at the moment but I haven't got the anti-parasitic tonic yet but I do have Wormwood /black walnut tincture would that work for now? geezzzz I hope I can take that without a reaction.
I got the detox tea today ..yay..thanks Uny..wil get that check mailed out to ya monday ok

been juicing about 2 quarts daily ..
there is also no way that I can possibly afford all the fruits and veggies to juice 1 gallon a day ..and I havent even made any potassium broth yet... organic is so expensive down here too.. I have already spent $80 this week on stuff to juice and I am already bout out .I have been drinking yerba mate tea to as it is supposed to have loads of vit/minerals and amino acids in it..and since I can't do superfood well I figured that would be a decent substitute ..gotta do what I can with the budget I have got ya know

I do have IF#1 and IF#2 and have been taking that also..
started out taking 5 tsp charcoal daily but do I combinthat with the IF ? do I continue while on the 5 day cleanse thing?I also go my charcoal for poulice today ..gonna try that tonight instead of castor oil pack.

Oh yeah the pupils of my eyes have yellow spots on them..kinda weird looking I must eyes are normally green/hazel .will be glad when they return back to normal as it makes me look sickly .. well duh my doc within says I am sick !!

I have had my gallbladder out last August and I wish I didn't it didn't relieve my pain at all... it was scarred up pretty bad though but no stones.(I have done The Clark Flush before ).. so I wonder how productive the flush will be with a clogged up liver ..
I am hoping the castor oil packs will help loosen some of that up.

also I can't take Epsom Salts does the same thing that the other stuff does to me..I do want to get over all this and feel back to noraml.! I know it is gonna take time but the changes I have made already are helping and its a far cry from what I used to do to my body (smile)

I have managed to come offthe benzos,(valium) bp meds and nexium for stomach this past year so I feel I am headed in the right direction...meds do not do well with my body either.and benzos can make you hypersensitive to many things as I found out and who knows how long that will last.. it took me 6 long months to come of them evil pills and I suffered greatly and feel if I can do that ..well I can do anything or what it takes..I have had this pain in my right side now for about 8 years...ugh...with no diagnosis but fatty liver and that was last year ..hep panel is negative also...liver is 4cm larger than what it should be and majorly clogged I think...

Also I wanted to say that the first couple of days on the fast the swelling/edema went way down only to come back on me again and badly .. hands and belly swelled out there ain't pretty I tell ya..
I do feel it is the Sugar from the fruit juice I Have been ingesting cause last year before I had GB out I went on a no sugar,no gluten, no processed food diet and my swelling went away and I lost 30 pounds in 2 months..I still have 50 to go though!my metabolism is not what it should be at all..
So far I have only lost 4 pounds (sad) and I feel like a swelled up balloon. I know I have candida issues ,toxic liver,hence the allergies I have got and lord knows what else but I feel I am at the right place to get help..
I know Unyquity has her plate full now with all she is doing .. so here I am folks ... and I need some help!
I know bits and peices of what I need to be doing I just need help putting it all together..
natural healing is the way to go thats for sure ..

so I am really to heal on as you all say ...

well thats about it for now..

blessings Anne_33


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