You showed us absolutely nothing pertaining to growing high nutrient foods! What you showed us was grade school horticulture and breeding foods for their characteristics not their nutrient density! Unbeleivable!
You can't even get the fields in Science correct!
Another babbling m*o*o*n bashing something he doesn't have the slightest clue about!-Justin
Are you naturally this much of a m*o*o*n Justin or do you practice really hard to get this stupid? See the topic heading? Brix is not nutrient density, it is SUGAR CONTENT! As I pointed out in my other post Coca Cola is high brix. Does this make Coca Cola nutrient rich? No wonder you have done nothing more than attack people here. You are more clueless than Moreless. Why don't you put all your energy to get use like going to the library and actually learning something about the topics you are posting on so you stop looking like such an ignorant fool?!!!