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Re: Variable brix in produce not home grown
LD Di Views: 2,122
Published: 16 y
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Re: Variable brix in produce not home grown

Hi, R!

When produce is picked to be sold, sometimes it is put directly into "lugs", the 20-30 lb boxes in which it is transported. When that happens, there is a reasonably good chance that all in one box came from one tree or area of a field with similar conditions and will have similar brix readings.

However, this is not a guarantee. One lug may have fruit from more than one tree, and smaller plants can vary significantly in quality within the square footage of soil from which one harvests a lug to bring to market.

This is why I have developed relationships with a few small-scale local produce growers. I can visit their fields, observe their methods, test their produce in various areas with my refractometer, and choose the very best for myself.

When I have been able to do this, I have noticed a steady improvement in my health and a decreased need for the drink, baths, ES with meals, etc. It was while doing this that I noticed the extreme variations mentioned above. I suspect that very few understand enough about maintaining their soil to avoid this variation.

Citrus fruits would be more likely to be consistent if you can find them in such lugs. Perhaps if you can't find them locally, there might be a way to get them shipped to you? Of course, they will not have the best sodium/potassium ratio for your climate. Wonder whether Moreless would recommend this or sticking with the ACV, and why???

Keep seeking health!



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