Hi Ya'll,
As I mentioned a long time ago I may should have not mentioned the use of CH in the Detox Bath water because too many folks do not understand --MODERATION-- !
Calcium Hydroxide can be Very Powerful and if too much is used it can have Negative effects !
Some of the Detox Soak baths may utilize a very small amount of Lime water made
with the Calcium Hydroxide some of the time, but one needs to be very careful to
not use too much as it is very Powerful !
And we may be talking about only 1 tea-spoonful or Less of the Calcium Hydroxide
powder pre-diluted in water starting out with it and then added to a Full tub of
water for a full body Soak?
And the use of the Calcium Hydroxide may at first cause weakness in the body
when one uses too much of it because of it's Powerfulness to work against Acids
and Toxins in the body, which may be released into the Lymphatic Fluids from the
Fatty Acids stored in the tissue of the body and the body then has to deal with
getting rid of these out of the Lymphatic fluids before being able to not feel
stressed out from this load into the Lymphatic fluids of these Acids and Toxins
WHY cannot folks read and understand this?????????????
Think of it like anti-Snake Venom where a Very small amount of snake venom may be used to prevent the snake bite from Killing the person, but if they get a large dose it may Kill them?
The Power of the Calcium Hydroxide to Release Acids and Toxins into our Lymphatic Fluids from our stored Fatty Acids may be so Great that we must not use, but a Very small amount or we shall overload our Lymphatic Fluids with TOO many Acids and Toxins !
Just because a little may be Great does not mean More is Better !
We MUST give our Lymphatic Fluids a chance to rid it's self of the Acids and Toxins that enter into it before adding more of a load on our Lymphatic Fluids !
Here is the Full Bath recipe:
Cause and Effect !
Smile Tis your choice.