16 y
Status: R [Message
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Re: --Abuse of Calcium Hydroxide in the Detox Bath--
I have been doing these baths for about 4 years now...
The more limewater I use, the longer I must take a cold shower after the bath to cool down... if I get out of the cold shower without cooling down completely, I will continue to sweat for a while, sometimes profusely for a good long while afterwards and feel "run down" for a time...
Remember to hydrate... drink lots of water during and after the bath as needed... better yet... get back in the cold shower too.
A tablespoon or two of CH in a FULL tub full of water is my limit without a having a run down feeling come over me... and again, I have been doing these for nearly 4 years.
If you are very sick, or a newbee to this, do as ML states, start with no more than a level teaspoonful of CH in a FULL bath and gauge your response before even considering increasing the amount, and then increase very conservatively a 1/4 teaspoon or so at a time till you find your sweet spot.
Note: that the size of your bath tub makes a difference in solution dilution... I have an over sized tub that is about 1/2 again larger than a standard tub.
In a standard tub, this would be about equivalent to NO MORE than somewhere between 2 to 4 "level" teaspoonfuls of CH in a full bath MAX...