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Rulerships - and cool exercise to do with your chart
Hi Gracey,
I think you are talking about Bio-rhythms! Intellect, Emotional and Physical....goes up and down in a wave. You'll be able to find something on it now that you know the name!
Thanks for that site - I'll take a look.
Well, isn't that interesting that they said that you have too much Mars!? Yes...I was talking to you about having too much Fire, right? Listen to this....Mars is ruled by Aries (which is Fire) and you have a ton of Aries in your chart! Perfect eh?
Yes, I remember saying that you needed to up your Water. Cooling. Intuitive. Subconscious. Self. hmmmm
Yup - you have your South Node, Mercury and Venus all in Aries - so you are VERY Mars-y.
You should know the Rulerships:
Sun/Leo/5th house
Moon/Cancer/4th house
Mercury/Gemini & Virgo/3rd house and 6th house
Venus/Taurus & Libra/2nd house and 7th house
Mars/Aries/1st house
Jupiter/Sagittarius/9th house
Saturn/Capricorn/10th house
Uranus/Aquarius/11th house
Neptune/Pisces/12th house
Pluto/Scorpio/8th house
A fun thing to do is to add up (using points) how many aspects you have to 1. Your Sun. Then how many planets you have in your 5th house and how many planets you have in Leo.
Do that for each planet. That will give you a rough idea if you are an Aries/Marsy person....or a Jupiterian person. Know what I mean! Lotsa fun!
love T