I was looking at your M.C. (career/calling/life objective) at the very top of your chart to see what was ruling it. At 3pm it's 29degrees Scorpio...but at 3:05pm it's Sagittarius! Most likely you weren't born at exactly 3pm eh? hmmmmmm.
I moved your time to 3:03pm just because it gives you a 7degree Aquarius Ascendant. That will match your 7ness in numerology!
That may seem funny but both my friend and I have our ascendant degrees EXACTLY matching what we are numerologically! Nuts eh?
She is a 7 and has a 7 degree Libra ascendant and I am a 9 and have a 9 degree Scorpio ascendant! Our mothers knew our exact exact birth time's down to the minute, so we know it's right on.