What about mold???
I sit and read these and wonder how many of you are living in mold if you are as bad as HEY123. Mold: That insidious fungus that we get USED to so that we do not even know we live in and with it.
I had mold in my house and had all the symptoms you have. A neighbor said maybe you have mold... I thought nice idea but wouldn't I know it???
The only way I knew for sure that my house had mold was to go out of town for a week..(by accident---I was usually so sick I did not leave the house... bad idea.)
I got so terribly sick with candida when I came back that I KNEW my house had mold and I had to move out immediately.
Mold is a silent killer. I recently had issues of it in between a few windows and I was sick again. Now my crotch is still annoying me and probably full of candida so I need to get something and that is why I found your note now...
Probably too late for Hey 123 unless you find this and still need it and can still use the advice.
I feel my extreme sensitivity and the accident of going out of town saved my life.