Re: All time low!!!
Hang in there Melanie-i went through it a week ago-hitting high 30's on that chart I gave you-then got better again-back to 10's (I think I was ovulating)-My house is now clean and I am catching up on work, I swear it gets better. Today I am only at 6!!! I know you want to do it naturally, and I totally respect that-I am a granola muncher myself- but you and I are on the EXACT same track-I also got mine removed 11/20, and my last flow was 2/1. I havent gotten it yet, which is GREAT, because I was getting it every 3 weeks. I really believe the cream and vitex are helping me. Went to see my doc too, and she agrees with everything, including the cream and supplements. She thinks it threw me into premenopause. (I am 41)
Have you been using the chart? If so, you can see that right now is where estrogen dominance kicks in. (the black dotted line) You may be getting your cycle, which is when I feel the worst.
I am soo sorry you are feeling so bad.*hug*....Jill