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Re: GAS - I'm dying, panic attacks depression

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

MadArtist Views: 4,346
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Re: GAS - I'm dying, panic attacks depression

This post may give you some ideas to search out - also, activated charcoal in unison with good probiotics may give you some relief while you figure things out.

Good luck and don't despair...

MadArt (ist)

"This is a huge subject which I have discussed many times here (search the archives) and extensively in my book The Key to Health and Rejuvenation. To answer that one question of yours: Yes, there are more enzymes in raw food than in cooked food. But to make enzymes (which are contained within the cells of the vegetables) available to the body, the sturdy cell walls (cellulose) need to be broken down first. Chewing doesn't do the job (except in lettuce, cucumber, advocados, tomatos, and other fruits). Fruits are being "cooked" by the sun, which is known as ripening. If not fully ripened, they are very hard to digest, causing gas, bloating, diarrhea, etc.

Hard vegetables, such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, green beans, etc., on the other hand, are very difficult to digest because their cell walls are as rigid and sturdy as steel, unless heat breaks down their structure and makes the contained nutrients available for further digestion and assimilation. To digest them properly, they need to be cooked tender (so a fork can pass through them with some resistance).

For similar reason as the above, cows, for example, have to ferment (cook) their raw grass in several stomachs, before it can be turned into something useful. Even birds cannot digest raw foods. Their goitre serves as a cookware to ferment (heats up and pre-digests) the seeds and others raw items for a long time before making these available to their digestive system.

I suggest you check it out for yourself. Stong pitta types are the most apt ones of all the bodytypes to handle more raw foods than others. This is due to their strong body heat and strong bile production. The cool or cold Vata and Kapha types can suffer greatly when given raw vegetables.


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