Re: Poor Absorption of Calcium and Magnesium
Hi Refreshed,
Thank you for your kind words and suggestions. I'm new to CZ and am totally over-whelmed with info. The moreorless forum seems to be a good place to start. Ppl are very friendly.
I'm 80% raw foodist; the other 20% is flesh and grains. I tried
juicing mostly carrot for a year, didn't do me too much good. I'm now experimenting with smoothies, digestive enzymes, vitamin C and oil pulling. Next in line would be bowel cleansing, probiotics and more support supplements followed with
Iodine therapy. That's Phase I. Phase II, I'd do a
Liver Flush and
parasite cleansing. At last, Phase III is metal detox.
I think the 1st and foremost is bowel cleansing. I ordered a couple of enema kits as well as looking into
Oxypowder . I'm nervous, excited and over-whelmed. I think I just have to be patient and take everything slowly.