Re: Eating out.
Water in restaurants - if we really want to get picky about it, why go there? They'll cook in their craptastic water, too. Not to mention that food that they cook in the water. I strive to be well-hydrated so I don't need to drink anything with my meals. I do the same thing, though. I go out to eat anyway, make the best choices I can.
Unfortunately, there are a few rare occasions where I go out to restaurants with people because it's about the only chance I'll socialize with certain ones - while going out in public, "doing something." I've invited people over for dinner, and everyone agreed it was fantastic - but they won't cook at home themselves. Or if they do it's horrific. Hard to find people who don't think microwaving is fun, their tap water is fine for drinking and cooking, etc. Family,'s frustrating. Sometimes I want to be a hermit.
Of course, if the world goes to 54!7 like people are predicting, we'll be socializing in our homes anyway. Distilling our own booze and having secret bars in our homes, like people of yore (or probably those in other countries today that I'm unaware of).