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Re: Hell yes animals are treated better than people.
trapper/kcmo Views: 5,277
Published: 16 y
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Re: Hell yes animals are treated better than people.

i see both sides. one side sounds more fear driven than anything and that does not appeal to me.

i sure as hell wished that all the fluoridated water i have ever drank had been Iodine instead. i would have approved of that even in retrospect. i am thankful for the Iodine in bread when i was growing up. probably why i never had diabetes or man-problems.

was just talking to a manufacturer of KI the other day. i learned some fascinating things like all nylon is made using KI in the process. he also said all dogfood has KI in it somewhere in the process. he talked of testing iodated salt one time and not being able to test it for the small sample from the packet from a restaurant. he said they would probably have had to have 4 tablespoons to get any kind of reading at all. i asked is that parts per trillion and he laughed. its basically nonexistent.

anyway., he said he stands around in the factory with that Iodine dust in there all day. i think he said he was 63 or something. i said to him, "rhetorically speaking, you dont have to answer because its private, but i would bet money you dont have any prostate, psa, ED or any of those problems down there." he came back after a slight pause, "no, no i sure dont."


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