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On penis enlargement, Micheal Jackson, informed consent - courtesy blackngold.
cora Views: 5,422
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On penis enlargement, Micheal Jackson, informed consent - courtesy blackngold.

I'm with V and Wolfgirl, all the way. Brings to mind one of BnG's finest moments:


You don't read about it much now, because SO much other tabloid $hit has happened to him in the meantime, but MJ came of age in the 70's and the evidence was put out there before the tabloids became so mainstream, although gossip has always sold. I am as anti-conspiracy as they come, and even I believe what I have seen for evidence, including interviews. In my mind, it is always why you you should never, and I repeat never, give anything to anyone without full disclosure. It goes against everything this great country stands for. I am not going to knock the 99% of the people who are on this (Trapper's) or the Iodine forum, but I did read of cases during the infancy of the Iodine forum were people were dosing their spouses coffee with iodine. It is is abhorrent. These weren't invalids in a hospital bed not able to make choices.


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