Re: I agree with V on the secret dosing . . .
It's funny (not haha) coming upon this thread this morning in lieu of the discussion hubby and I JUST had this morning...
He told me his cousin's wife just passed away from
Breast Cancer (and after a double mastectomy quite a while back, I might add). She was just a year older than we are.
I boo-hooed all over him about the da_n medical establishment and people's choices, but he gently (and with much care) reminded me about free will. I WAS spiking his tea with
Iodine and just yesterday I felt led to stop because of HIS free will. He didn't know and I'm glad I stopped - because perhaps his life is meant to be lived withOUT it. He did tell me, after all, (after a discussion about his not wanting to take it) that he's a "big boy" and can make "his own decisions" and he DOES allow me to "paint" his external "owies" with
Iodine - he just doesn't want to take it internally and I MUST respect that. Yes, I was driven by emotions mainly because I got so sick and tired of him complaining ALL the time about how sick and tired he is of being sick and tired all the time!
Anyhoo, he is old enough to take care of himself.
HOWEVER, children are too young to take care of themselves when it's Mom's decision as to what goes into her children's bellies. I am quite thankful that hubby does not fight me on this one. Unfortunately we disagree on innoculations and insists our child gets them. Not all of them, mind you, like the most recent one "just" for young girls and the flu shot, but he does insist she gets the ones for school, but I digress...sigh.
I'm thankful he doesn't fight me on giving her the iodine/iodide!
As far as the garden and the chickens' water, I would say that the "iodine decision" is up to the person
responsible for those things!