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Re: Day 8 of Water fast
latinmess Views: 4,003
Published: 17 y
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Re: Day 8 of Water fast

You seem to forget that the "tone" is everything....I mean, "EVERYTHING". I have noticed that in my own case. Sometimes I want to say something positive, and it comes out in not a very nice way, so the positive is lost in the message because I fail in the tone. See, my native language is not English, but Catalan, I know what I mean. Please, do not take offense, I know what you mean, and believe your intentions are really honest.

Sacristia "contributes", and her talk about her life adds verisimilitud to her posts. You and I, and many others, would never give out those personal details about our private lives...but again, FASTING IS EXTREMELY PERSONAL. It is a benefit in knowing how is life while fasting.

BTW, you hate Christ with such a passion you dont sound like a true atheist to me. I would not mind if some one talk to me about Satan...I dont give a damm. I did not need to make this comment but I wanted to. Please, do not take offense for this. It would not hurt if you try to be more tolerant and less agressive.




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