Some people really mean well, but I find all to often, some people are there to TEST YOU. K KNEW you love popcorn...have you noticed that its not a real temptation if it doesn't tempt. But even worse, ONLY the ones that know us best, can push our buttons or influence us, either for the bad or the good. LOVED your quote of scripture about NOT putting your hand to the plow and looking at the things behind. I think fasting is like that. We are moving forward, and not looking at the things behind, as we rid ourselves of alot of very bad habits. People that love us, move WITH US through this process, but sometimes they test us to see how serious we are...sometimes they don't move with us as we work on ourselves. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out in the end with you and K. Your still in each others lives, so..I wonder...