17 y
Re: Day 8 of Water fast
I don't consider constantly whining any value, but again that's just my opinion. The point is she is blogging here and not sticking to the topic at hand this forum being Water fasting.
I constantly see people here being pointed out but yet others sliding. Also I don't think it's fair to people who do not believe in God constantly have to be reminded, like I said, to each his own, but some of these posts are ridiculous.
You talk about scaring new members away? what about atheist, or do we not have a right to be here now too?
I wonder if I went on about how Satan (not that I'm a Satan worshiper btw) tells me to do this and that and I want his guidance.. I wonder if I too would be accepted here or would it be chocked up to 'discouraging members' and whatever other excuses people throw up.
Also clearly I'm not the only one who pointed out her lengthy blogging posts.
And quite honestly, if people cannot voice their opinions in a public forum in regards to someone's post without them threatening good bye (which btw she's must have left how many times already because someone said something she didn't like- I didn't realize this was her forum?), then they should not be here. Unless I too cannot post my comments as well? I don't see anywhere where it says that, as I have just as much a right to be here as anyone else then. Perhaps you could point me to the reference that limits me being able to voice my opinion on someone's post, please by all means.
Seems there's a ton of double standards here, which doesn't surprise me.