17 y
Re: I am NOT fasting anymore until..
I certainly agree 100% with your post. I may not have expressed myself well in my post, but what you said is definitely true. Bottom line on EFT is I know God does not want me to touch it so I don't. I have asked Him about it and His answer to me is very clear and for the same reasons that you expressed in your post. Also, I have major concerns about it being of the occult. Yes, I believe that EFT works, but I am not willing to pay the price for the use of it. If others want to use it I feel that is their business. We all have a right to our own beliefs and to make our own decisions. If people want to continue to push this on me I know this will be a waste of their time as I am not at all confused or doubting what my God wants me to do in this matter.
I am also not confused about whether I should fast or not. God is very clear with me that He does want me to fast. There are those on the forum that think I should not fast but should turn to EFT instead. This is not much support for where I know I need to go. I have learned a lot from the forum and I am thankful for the support that I have gotten but I have to be honest, I sometimes wonder if I should be seeking support from an environment like this with beliefs of some that are so contrary to mine.
I think that you would have to agree that we are in a battle and I agree that we do need to learn to give the battle to the Lord. The battle is the Lord's. I am working on that too. The Bible says that the violent take the kingdom of God by force so we do have to do our part. We do have to use our weapons which are not carnal. One of the weapons is fasting with prayer. Yes, as you said it is just one tool, but you will have to admit that it is a very powerful one. We cannot be lazy about it or we will never get there. I agree my choice of words was bad. We should let the Lord fight our battles for us, but in order to do that we have to obey Him and do what He wants. We have to use those spiritual weapons. You will have to agree that takes effort on our part. Thank you for your post.