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Hey 76356!!!
  Views: 5,917
Published: 17 y
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Hey 76356!!!

You bring up a very interesting point. I don't know if I could actually pinpoint an "N" personality but let me give some characteristics and maybe you can help me out. This supervisor is mercurial. He appears to be a liar. He goes to church every Sunday. He only really talks to his race of people kinda shutting out other races. He has a proud type personality. I remember when he got promoted to this position a few years back and it seemed to go to his head. He just over the past year or so got close with this woman. I don't remember them being this close a few years back. It appears he just woke up one morning and decided to "pursue" this woman. All I know is, I'm extremely introspective, observant and nosey. When he first started "getting close" with her she started to change her appearance. Her hairstyle got alot better and more makeup. She also appears to get agitated with any other woman who goes in his office and stays for more than a few minutes. When they had a party at the office, he sat next to her. What does this sound like to you? When was the last time you heard of a married man being just friends like that with a single woman he's only been knowing a few short years?


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