Hveragerthi and Glaxony
Thank you both so much for your suggestions!
You give me much new information to consider, and I certainly will.
I'm doing olive oil and grapefruit juice liver flushes, with some
Epsom Salts (magnesium sulfate), reducing the recommended amounts of that as I found the full amounts quite harsh in the first flush.
I'm also taking tiny sips of my unsweetened homemade cranberry juice...perhaps once or twice per day. Something is telling me this is good stuff...but I'll watch the resting at night, like a hawk.
Control of the urinary function is just too great a reward to lose.
I have a sense that Humaworm and other changes I have made, have accumulated to the point that immunity is now assisting me to improve faster and faster. Does that make sense? It feels like a breakthrough.
Losing that sense of 'depression' and 'doubt' is a wonderful incentive to keep going.
I really do feel 32.
You both help, and I thank you.