Glaxony, do you know anything about the castor oil flush?
If I have it right, that is 4 tablespoons (1/2 cup) of castor oil with a 1/2 cup of fresh grapefruit juice...once.
Nothing else.
Someone said the combo is a liver, parasite, and colon flush, all at once.
I'll BET it is!
And then you die?
Fooling around with the regular liver flush, taking less
Epsom Salts because they feel so harsh...I have wished, sometimes, for dynamite.
Liver Flush I just eyeballed it, and it didn't seem to 'work', until 20 hours after the potion (regular morning BM first). Then it did, at 8 p.m.! Stinky!
I have this nearly full 4
oz. bottle of Palma Christi, sitting beside me...and I am wondering...