17 y
Re: Desperate...
Hi Telman,
Thanks for your message.
I do still think I have a lot of stones. If I would have thought that I was "clean" just because I didn't get stones out, then I would've stopped after my first 6-8 flushes which yielded a combined total of 0 stones.
But I knew then, as I believe now, that I had a lot of stones and it turned out I was right. So I don't think it's a matter of me being "stone free", but rather having trouble getting the stones out. Every time someone has said I was stone free has been followed by a productive flush at some point, which proves I wasn't.
But I am definitely paying attention to other things than liver flushing, such as diet, exercise, sleep, vitamins & micronutrients... although not food combining because I haven't seen any studies that prove it.
Well, I'm gonna try some things including
parasite cleansing and will post my results here.