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Re: Desperate...
Telman Views: 2,745
Published: 17 y
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Re: Desperate...

I can empathise you. But there is a trap within the liver-flush therapy. It has the power to make almost anyone feel better and if you suffered from biliary pain to start with it certainly puts an end to that problem. However, internal pains are incredibly difficult to decider and there is no reason why you can't have more than one problem. I think you can take it as read that your liver and biliary system is as clean as it will ever be and if you are still suffering from pain it is either something that we can't deal with here or one of the primary organs. Bowel pain or cramps can mimic biliary pain but it is often more central between the 'V' of the chest and navel, with referred pain to the back kidney area.

There are three main stages to self cure ignoring parasites.

Digestion (often referred to as diet)
Bowel (mostly the colon)

The fundamental of health is good digestion and the pancreas is crucial to this because it provides the three enzymes:

• Amylases – for carbohydrate
• Proteases – for protein
• Lipases – for fat

Different pancreatic digestive enzymes do not work at the same pH levels and the pancreas will produce amylase, to the exclusion of protease and lipase when the digestive signal shows a lot of carbohydrate in the diet. This is often the case with a vegetarian diet.

Protein digestion is dependent on hydrochloric acid in the stomach initiating the release of protease enzymes from the pancreas. The protease enzymes do not have a back up system. Thus, protecting this system and keeping it in good order is essential.

People that follow a "Food Combining" regime benefit greatly and see a reduction in many unexplained health symptoms.

Getting the digestive operating effectively is the first stage to self cure after that attention can be turned to the bowel and specifically the colon. The colon can cause pain in the back the thighs and shoulders. It can cause abdominal cramps from over stressing even with vegetarians. Its not just a matter of cleaning the colon but nourishing it with compatible food, lowering stress and eradicating stress and chemicals (eg, chlorinated water).

The third stage is restoring liver health which you already know about.

There can be a self perpetuating toxic cycle set up around the digestive, colon and liver functions. This may involve food intolerances , use of drugs etc, etc. It is a complicated tangle of factors that its very difficult unravel. That's why most doctors fail to solve so called IBS issue and even alternative health practitioners struggle. However, the key is to break the cycle and if Liver Cleansing alone isn't doing for you then look elsewhere.

Best wishes



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