Re: Origin of God
"I'm not familiar with the Muslim scriiptures.
Many kinds of 'scriipture', no doubt, do contain a 'logical progression' (a 'scenario' of subjective/biased truth), but only the "Christian scriiptures" contain the [OBJECTIVE/unbiased] truth about the creator"
I have read the complete Bible many times and I believe that what is contained in it regarding the lives and works of the prophets of God is the truth. Since you are not familiar with the Quran, you might be surprised to learn that all the prophets of God before Mohammed (peace be upon him) from Adam to Jesus,the Messiah (peace be upon them)are considered part of our religious history as well. I guess I should have expected that last remark because I am posting on the
Christianity Forum . :)
"The most important thing I noticed in the scriiptures that you quoted is that it encourages the reader to simply GIVE UP any attempt to understand. Certainly, the creator would never want this of us (to "give up" and blindly 'follow'). We are His children/offspring and He wants us to know Him/LOVE ("God is LOVE"). Neither should we 'SUBMIT' (I'll explain)."
Obviously if God is sending us divine revelations imploring us to heed his message, He cares if we try to understand what He is saying. But it is, as you just said in your last post, objective truth that many people, even most people try to find meaning to suit their purposes in holy scriiptures instead of trying to understand what God is telling us. You said that you accept the Bible to be the absolute truth because you believe it was sent by God. Does that mean you are following blindly? No, trying to find what God is saying through personal exploration is the opposite of blind faith. Also, the word "submit" is a rough translation of the Arabic which actually means "gaining peace through submitting to God's will" meaning his laws and the limits he has placed on humanity as in the ten commandments, for example.