The term 'spiritual' is more accurately understood in the philisophical sense. The ultimate goal is that the HUMAN spirit should be compatible with GOD's spirit. True understanding (about anything) requires understanding 'concepts'. The human concept of time takes into account 'growth'/change, it is how we measure 'existence' (length of time we 'exist'/LIVE).
God simply EXISTS (He is just one long "cosmic moment", we see "long"), however, in scriipture (bible), He does give recognition to (acknowledge/use) the concept of time (He says that, to Him, "a day is as a thousand years").
So, each "day of creation" might be a thousand years long. The "days" of creation might not be consecutive (they might be separated by millions of years). I don't imagine anyone can truly be accurate about the age of the earth, but Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 is the first instance of time (the beginning, made possible by the "Alpha").
God Himself has no need of "time", He simply "EXISTS" (His FOREVER name is "I am who/that I am", Exodus 3:14, He simply EXISTS), but in order for Him to reveal Himself to us (tell us about Himself), He recognizes human concepts such as time (just like Paul said..."I am speaking in human terms...", Romans 6:19).
Any "religion" is that mankind wants to use 'SELF works effort' to imagine themselves to become "worthy" and "deserving" (we were never "deserving" and still aren't) of what God did for us by sending His son in order to purify our flesh (and also..."religion" conveniently ignores that we should ALSO have our conscience cleansed by having a pure CONSCIENCE/mind, Hebrews 9:14).
The true word that we should live by is the "sword of the SPIRIT" (Ephesians 6:17), but it is against the HUMAN nature to have a Godly spirit (peaceful and just, peaceful coexistence) and "walk by THE SPIRIT" (Galatians 5:16 and 25).
Mankind/Christianity rather be held accountable by what has been abolished...
Ephesians 2:15
"by abolishing in his flesh the law of commandments and ordinances"
...instead of the PERFECT law (James 1:25 and 2:12).
This is done because mankind/Christians want to imagine themselves 'DESERVING' (vain ego).
Most of the world believes that the bible is the word of God that we should LIVE BY...IT IS NOT, it is only the INTRODUCTORY doctrine of Jesus (Hebrews 6:1). The bible is the "word of TRUTH" (2 Timothy 2:15, Ephesians 1:13, John 14:6).
If you are not familiar with the Christian scriiptures (bible), you can see here that we are not to live by the words that WERE spoken since the begiinning of time up until 2000 years ago (this is the PAST, a fact unrealized by all humanity)...
If you are also familiar with what is TAUGHT in the "institutional churches", you will also understand why mankind/churches (the only TRUE "church" is the group of all true believers, NO buildings), you will understand why humanity/Christianity has always been under the "strong delusion"...because humanity/Christianity has always wanted to 'play' the "DESERVING"/"WORTHY" game and perform SELF effort "works", but God did all the "works" for us (and we should simply TRUST that He did all that is necessary, John 6:28 and 9:3, let them "be made MANIFEST IN" us).
So, it is because of "tradition" that we INTERPRET (like anything, the bible should not be INTERPRETED to mean something different) everything instead of simply UNDERSTAND...
Ephesians 5:17
"Therefore do not be foolish, but UNDERSTAND what the WILL of the Lord is".
There has to be a paradigm shift in thinking in order to properly understand what is "spiritual" and our 'reference point' can only be "Alpha" (it is not possible to have a PRE-reference point/PRE-beginning). The ultimate goal is to RETURN to the "reference point"/origin/heritage in the new heaven/afterlife (if we have a PRESENT heaven now...
Revelation 21:1
"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away".
The bible was inspired by God and written to ALL humanity, not any 'group' and we all now have "anointing" because of Jesus (if only we would acknowledge it), we need no earthly spiritual teacher. If we would use our anointing and learn spiritually only from God's spirit, we will learn what is TRUE...
1 John 2:27
"but the anointing which you received from him abides in you".