Re: Coca Cola Can vs Creation
I watched Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron on Youtube when they had went head to head with an aethist associciation on national television. Truth is they did Christians no favors and did not do a very good job of giving their argument persuasively and could not, did not and sometimes would not answer the aethist's questions. Why Ray Comfort had even challenged the organization was a wonder to me after it was all over because he had fell so flat on his face. The aethist were merciless and ruthless, especially the red devil of a woman wearing a promisicious dress. And they asked some hard, hard questions that they simply were not even prepared for as was obvious to see. I think by not giving any more in depth answers to aethist's when asked we are not only doing them a disservice but Christians in general. I wouldn't take on an aethist in an argument unless you felt prepared and prayed up. Or the other way around, prayed up and prepared and let the Holy Spirit guide you. :) I am in no way diss-ing Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort's ministry, I really love their show, love what they do and their boldness for God. It was very bold to take them on, but it didn't seem very wise as the end result was worse than the beginning. I think if God had really been in it and they were led by the Holy Spirit they would have given powerful answers that ministered life to the hearers. Sometimes we can have a desire to win everyone to God, or pride we want to show we are right, and if we do it in the flesh and not in the Spirit it will do more damage than good. I'm saying this from experience as my first cousin is an aethist because her parents were such horrible failure's as "Christians" that she believes there just is no God. So in my experience I would say pray a lot before entering into a disscussion or argument with an aethist and pray for the words of Life to them.
It is a very interesting topic, the origin of God. I still think it is very interesting the analogy that Ray Comfort gave, that a Coca Cola can obviously has a maker, that it didn't just drip together and obsolve into this Coca Cola can. And that in the same way humans are the same way, they were obviously created by Intelligent Design. It was his entire argument actually. But the aethist raised a question that I had never though of, that if then something so complex as the earth was created and something so complex as humans had to have been created then who created God? We as Christians of course know that no one did, but it blew his illistration all to pieces. How would you answer something like that? Simply saying "well He's the I am and nothing created Him, He was before the earth" doesn't satisfy an aethist at all. Hum...