So, it is because of "tradition" that we INTERPRET (like anything, the bible should not be INTERPRETED to mean something different) everything instead of simply UNDERSTAND..>
Excellent point. When people say that one has to be of a certain organized religion (theirs) to go to heaven, it totally ignores the fact that we are all responsible for our own works and our personal relationship with God. Converting to X religion will not guarantee you a spot in heaven while you do as you please here on earth. "Interpretation" of holy scriiptures is how ignorant people justify their bad behavior using God's message.
[Quran 3:7] He sent down to you this scriipture, containing straightforward verses - which constitute the essence of the scriipture - as well as multiple-meaning or allegorical verses. Those who harbor doubts in their hearts will pursue the multiple-meaning verses to create confusion, and to extricate a certain meaning. None knows the true meaning thereof except GOD and those well founded in knowledge. They say, "We believe in this - all of it comes from our Lord." Only those who possess intelligence will take heed.