Well alot of good advice but personally it seems that it is hard for anyone to give advice unless you walk in our shoes. I have tried to get off the meds but I am come to realize that I can reduce but not get rid of. When I am taking a low dose tranquilizer, I just don't care. I mean I don't care if you like me and I don't care what stress comes my way but if I go off the tranquilizer I care big time and the stress flips me out. Schizo's have dual personalities and the other personality is the hostile one, so I find when I don't take the meds I become destructive and I destroy all friendships and just go into a hate mode. Our sickness is more than just taking meds it is a real sickness, it is a brain problem not so much a vitamin deficiency. I wish I could explain it better, have had this for years and no matter how I fight it, it is just there.