Healing Schrizophrenia
Hi, I have had schizophrenia for about 6 and 1/2 years now. I've taken medicine for it for about 5 and 1/2 years. I've gotten my dose down to about 1/3 of the typical recommended dose. However, I am still very concerned about the effect that the medicine is having on my body. I have heard that it can cause damage to the neurons. On the other hand, I have read stories about people recovering after having been on medicine for long periods of time. I don't really understand this though. Can neurons be healed? I think I have read that they can be, and yet there is the information out there that the medicine damages them. Then there are the cases of recovery, where people recover with proper nutrition.
I just want to know what my prospects are, if possible. One thing that I thought was interesting was Ed McCabe's statement about oxygen therapy. He considers himself mr. oxygen therapy guru, and he wrote that pretty much everyone can recover through this therapy unless the immune system is severely compromised... like in the ill elderly.
I also kind of wonder when I'll be fully healed. Some of the things I have done to get better are megavitamin therapy, 5
Liver Flushes and some kidney cleanses, about 15 colonics, cellfood (a liquid oxygen supplement), 7 craniosacral therapy sessions, flower essences, supplements, and 2 shamanic healing sessions. I guess I still have a ways to go.
In addition, I'd like to try to get on the lowest dose necessary of the medicine (i.e. the lowest dose at which I can be sustained), but I wonder if instead of experimenting I should wait until I can get a full panel of diagnostic tests to assess my health. If I went the diagnostic tests route, I would wait until I had done the IV Ozone therapy that I want to do and then try to go off the meds if the tests came back OK. The purpose of doing things this way would be to take an approach in which there was less chance of relapsing. I can't do ozone therapy for a while as it is expensive, however, and I hate the idea of being on more medicine than is necessary. It really makes me feel awful. On the other hand, I am terrified of experimenting with the dose because: 1)I wonder if there is a chance that I might relapse really badly and not "come back" (2)I'm afraid that I might end up in the mental hospital.