Day 4 on urine/water only
Thank you, everyone - I feel a lot better, and, of course it is true, I'm glad I stayed on my fast.
James, I'm grateful and glad you took the time to write that - you know how you can read something (like "just accept your feelings, don't identify, watch them like clouds in the sky") a million times in Buddhist-wannabe self-help books, and even underline it and mark the page, but it doesn't "click" and you don't actually practise it in the moment - I think your post was the "click". But it's an askesis, a practice - daily, almost minutely, not just a single revelation, for most people. It's very apposite, though,because even before, just as part of the cleansing, I was getting big into identifying myself with the squalor of my "egoic" self. Thank you - it's particularly valuable to read during a fast, when one's emotions are heightened but one's thinking can be foggy, toxic and vulnerable.
As for physical things about the fast - I did not "prepare" myself for it - went into it from vegan junk food - I'm mainly rawfoodist, but the days before I'd been having salty processed grains and bread, not fully organic. I did start supplementing with water at theend of day 2. I get unreasonably hungry the first days on other fasts, but have not been so. No vomiting or nausea yet - skin continue to have a rather unearthly glow - my main symptom on the physical level so far has been that I started hiccupping on Day 3 - it's something I do a few days in to a water fast. I am glad you will be on vacation for your planned fast, as I myself feel weakness - not weaker than I do when not fasting though - weakness is an everyday feeling for me. Interestingly enough, the underlying emotion in the fasting weakness is a light one, rather than the black, heavy kind. But I will report to you physical symptoms as they arise. I feel ache and tightness in my bones, but I believe that is mainly dehydration - one really does need extra extra fluid to combat the toxins one is loosening, and I haven't been doing that.
Now that I'm over the challenging first 3 days (always most difficult for me), there should be some physical cleansing, but as I said, it has seemed in the past that I often get emotional symptoms or mental ones as my personal manner of detox - where someone else might get dizziness or headache.
Virulent eye infection continues to clear up - My eyes continue to show much redness and blurriness,and I sneeze now and then for no reason.
Trying for guts,