Thanks everyone!
Thanks everyone for your feed-back and replies!!
I am an extrovert (ENTP for those of you who have looked into the Myers Briggs personality indicator - a person who gets energy from people and talking, loves conceptualising, looking at the larger picture, what is possible, what could be, finding new ways of doing things, improving on old ways and flexibility - for those who have not. ) - so alot of my processing is done and sped up by being able to externalise my thoughts and to hear other peoples'.
When I did the fast/cleanse for 30 days I was on the board ALOT for this reason. Sigh! I do value a sense of community.
There were not many people around me with whom I could talk about fasting without them freaking or knee-jerk reacting with no thought or knowledge behind their reactions.
The whole UT thing is on a completely different level again.
Oooooh yeah!!!
I have no intentions of bringing this up in casual conversation or in response to the question from close friends - so what have you been up to lately?
In spite of the fact that I have literally been reading and researching this topic for hours and hours evey day for weeks - and my concerns about my health at the moment are paramount to me right now.
I do not like this gap between what is happening for me/my reality and what I feel able to communicate with others about. Not feeling seen - and feeling like part of me is not acceptable to be seen.
I do feel protective of myself and the process. The reactions people had to my fasting was extreme. Even though everyone commented on how well I looked and how much energy I had AND how happy I was.
Going by the reactions of my husband this is going to be about the only place I can "talk" about this at the moment.
So thank you. It has already made a difference to me and I really appreciate you taking the time to respond.