Question for any experienced UT people.
Hi All
I am hoping that even though this board does not show alot of activity that there are UT practitioners out there who frequent the curezone site and who would notice a new posting here.
So here goes.
Does anyone know how long it is desirable to be off meds before commencing UT?
I have read every internet site I can find and two books on UT( I have two more on the way).
The most specific info/reference I can find, aside from that fact that you need to be off allopathic drugs, is that you need to be off for a minimum of 2 days.
It seems obvious/logical that some meds clear the system faster than others and that that would determine the amount of detox time required before commencing. I realise that this would also vary from individual to individual, but I am looking for some more detailed guidelines on this.
The med I am on is levothyroxine for an underactive thyroid.
When I commenced taking this med I was told that it could take weeks to feel any results or changes from it. Is this an idicator of how long I would need to be off the drug for - or is that not necessarily how it works?
Input in this area would be greatly appreciated.