Re: seeing is not believing...
do you know what hypocrite means? it means one who says one thing but does another.
can you show me how i have been a hypocrite?
Certainly, and I won't have to go very far.
You have said you never have experienced the man, or commune yourself...
And yet you say you know him to be a drug addicted, sociopathic, psychotic, murderous, molesting, thieving, power mad control freak who had no qualms at all in destroying the lives of thousands of people on a whim.
Having personal experience of something is one thing, to say you know something because of what someone else has told you and then calling it your own knowing is something entirely different. Yes, I call this pretending to be something you are not. It is being hypocritical. To call the borrowed knowledge that you have attained from somebody else and then calling it your own knowing is being a hypocrite. You are the believer, yourself, yet you call me that.
Perhaps you have gotten into the habit of borrowing knowledge from others, hearing it from others, storing it within your brain and turning around and spewing it out as if this to be your very own knowing, so much so that you are not aware that you are doing it. You are deceiving yourself without realizing it... an unconscious hypocrite at that.
Reporting what I have experienced... It is my experience, not my belief. What you are reporting is not your experience, it is borrowed, it is your belief. This is a good example of how this humanity of ours has come to standing on its head. You are like most of the power hungry politicians you speak up against, you twist and turn the meanings of words to suit your own ambitions, your own desires, your own ways to pull power trips over others. And Not at all capable of seeing the politician that dwells within you. Yes, this is what I call being a hypocrite. Pointing the finger outward and not seeing that the same exists within you. Blaming the others for your own self-created mess inside... is being a hypocrite.
i personally know several people with first hand experience at Rajnessh's little hell hole of a commune in oregon. i know of the rapes and the molestations and the murder and the suicide. i know of the guns and the drug abuse. its a long sad story, and the people who survived are still dealing with the ramifications.
Perhaps, it may have been the experience of others but you are the one that is reporting this. This turns it into information, or better, misinformation, that you are wanting others to believe to be true. It is not. It remains borrowed, it is not your own experience. As far as anyone else here is concerned you are just telling a tall tail. You are reporting like you are running a tabloid ,here. I can discard these rantings of rape and murder because they are not real. It is the drama your are creating here for others to read.
Be careful with the words you use... this is something Socrates has said... it is obvious, you are not careful at all.
- turiya -*-