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Video Embedded Re: while Osho was still around to laugh at them
turiya Views: 2,681
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Re: while Osho was still around to laugh at them

"Can you show me some descriiptions of people interacting with them that would lead one to such a conclusion."
Generally, when someone is claimed to be enlightened, things end up happening to him. Zoroaster was stabbed, Socrates poisoned, Pythagoras and his commune was burned, Mohammed poisoned, the Sufi mystic Al-Hillaj Mansoor was hacked to pieces; Guatama Buddha was stoned by villagers many times and eventually murdered from tainted food that was served to him and, of course, Y'shua the Messiah was crucified which turned him into a fictionalized Jesus Christ. Osho/Rajneesh himself was poisoned by the Reagan Administration.

India may be the safest place on the planet for an enlightenment individual to remain alive (in the body), whether the one is charlatan or authentic. India has a track record of having given birth to many of these in the past. So, there is somewhat of a tolerance for such people to remain within India's society.

But it seems to me that anyone that claims they have become enlightened, are most probably not.
For it seems to me that once one becomes enlightened... then there is no longer anyone there who can claim it... if anything, the claim comes from others that come within close proximity to that individual, not from the enlightened himself... anyone that claims it still has ego... is still playing mind games... hence, Osho's laughing.

Laughing at a disciple can be seen as a compassionate way of hitting the disciple to help shake him out of his dream state, like the way a Zen Master hits his disciple each time he comes to tell him that he's got the answer to the Zen koan he was given to solve...
The Master knows that only when the disciple doesn't come... is there a possibility that he may have finally got it.

All things in their due seasons.

Claiming it and being asked how enlightenment happened for them would set up an altogether different context for the answer to such a question to be given.
"Dolano follows the Advaita-lineage of Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Poonjaji and Gangaji. Advaita is the teaching of non-duality and non-teaching."



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