According to your theory then... as humanity approaches the critical mass point then the rates of schizophrenia are bound to increase sharply along with the numbers of those that are realizing themselves enlightened. But I would tend to include all forms of mental illness will increase dramatically within a short time. The insanity will be much more and more evident as we proceed forward to the day (the "Great 7") when all those will come out from their graves to again walk upon the Earth. Nostradamus has predicted this to occur during the onslaught of World War III, is how I understand that particular quatrain to read. It only makes sense that at that moment the darkness of ignorance will come to a peak along with the bursting forth of a tremendous awakening of consciousness. Mind you, this moment only happens at very rare moments, when the possibility for enlightenment will be easier than at any other.
Century 10, Quatrain 74
The year the great seventh number is accomplished,
Appearing at the time of the games of slaughter:
Not far from the age of the great millennium,
When the dead will come out of their graves.
"The critical mass of enlightenment can be defined as the smallest number of awakened human beings whose collective influence can initiate a significant shift in global consciousness. The process of creating enough enlightened ones to achieve this critical mass can be likened to the transformation of coal into diamonds. The pressure of surrounding human unconsciousness creates an urgency in the potential enlightened one to awaken from illusion. The total weight of so much unconscious 'carbon' exerts a tremendous pressure, through which a few coal stones reach the appropriate mass to become 'diamonds.' These awakened beings embody the crystal clarity of enlightened consciousness which can transform the level of consciousness of the entire planet.
Mystics who have used the metaphor of the mud and filth necessary to grow a lotus, like the sixth-century patriarch of Zen, Bodhiharma, say most of humanity has no other destiny than to live and die as compost and manure for the Bodhisattvas' (or spiritual teachers') flowering. The constant revelation of the rank odors of human consciousness, hidden behind society's manure of moralities and illusions, nurtures the urgency for a budding Bodhisattva's consciousness to grow. Once awakened, he or she shares his revelation with other seeds of buddhahood, encouraging them to seek their own flowering."
"Morphogenetic fields are created by the patterns of physical forms. They help guide the formation of later similar systems where a newly forming system "tunes into" a previous system by having within it a "seed" that resonates with a similar seed in the earlier form.
Morphogenetic fields can be used to describe how human consciousness is shared. The Morphogenetic fields therefore play the main role in the idea that humanity at one point in time will go through a dramatic collective shift in consciousness. A shift that will happen when the critical mass for a shift is reached, for example, when a certain number of spiritually awakened individuals are reached...
Before he left the planet in 1886, the Avatar Sri Ramakrishna stated that, “in the not too distant future Christs would grow like grapes on a vine, in clusters.” Now we are here in 2005 and the phenomenon predicted by Sri Ramakrishna has begun to happen."
Hello Quinta_Essentia,
Thank you for your comment... and for showing your true colors.
lol...Your house of cards is shaking, too... you are no different than the elitists, and the power hungry politicians that you talk up against... you were probably there hammering the nails into the hands of Jesus too, saying he was a sick freak leading the people to revolt against the Holy Roman Empire and against the traditional values of the Jews.
You are a product of what the so-called religions have been doing to this society and to others societies around the world.
My view of Osho does not come through hearsay as does yours... I had to travel to see the man for myself... to see with my own eyes... and not through the eyes of others... or through the eyes of some mainstream media show.
To me, Osho/Rajneesh was like the eye of a hurricane... the bad weather was only made up by the unenlightened that had gathered around him... all the trouble you've heard about was the creation of those ignorant fools that you believe to be telling you the truth.... just more crap to make yourself feel more righteous... just like the other members that make up that lynch mob.
History tells us time and time again that the enlightened cannot be accepted by their contemporaries. For they have always been in this world well ahead of their time. A couple hundred years has yet to pass before humanity will see how dreadfully wrong the mob mind had been about this man.
With Osho comes a new vision:
The opposites are not really opposed to each other, they are complimentary.
Ordinarily, one person is a saint and another person is the sinner. This is what the so-called religions have done to humanity today. Without the saint, the sinner will not exist. One person suppresses his sinner in order to become a saint, and the sinner pops up somewhere else in somebody else. This is the game you are playing, Quinta Essential. You are the saint, pointing the finger at Osho, the sinner.
With Osho comes a more realistic and mature view, a view that will allow humanity to remain more sane: The saint is also the sinner.
When young, be young. When old, be old. Otherwise you will be a mess. And a mess looks ugly. Seasons are beautiful when they come at the right time.
When someone is in their youth, the time of youth should be enjoyed. Instead, in this day and age, this society has the person in their youth forcing him to grow up earlier than normal. When youth passes, then it is gone... if you were not there to enjoy your youth, it will remain incomplete... it will remain as a hangover when you become older. Then old people will be hankering for the days when they had their youth. Then, an old man will want to act like a young boy... he will be taking viagra when the time has come for sex to normally be finished... this man will look ugly. Hence, the name "dirty old man" that society has come up with to describe an old man that still hankers after sex when the time has come to prepare for his death.
And old woman can look beautiful. But if she's trying to look young by painting her face, then she looks strange... out of context.
An old person can look beautiful if they have lived life. If he has not lived, then he wants to cling to some past moment that is no more there.
When sex has passed, and it should have passed when one has lived, one naturally moves to old age. If one prevents himself from going into sex naturally, then the energy becomes perverted. When it becomes perverted, then it looks ugly. Then, the urge to complete the time for sex will continue on into a later phase of one's life.
Perhaps, this is why you heard stories of rape and molestations. Certainly, such things may have gone on... but, I say, most assuredly these uglinesses were not caused to be perverted by Osho, nor caused to be created by Osho. These perversions are no doubt the consequences of what the so-called established religions have done to members of this society and to others. People had already been perverted before they came to Osho... perverted by the societies, like that you have supported in the past and are continuing to support to this day.
Mankind has been taught to suppress so much of himself that it is very difficult for him to act natural. To be normally healthy in his actions. He has become quite perverted and made schizophrenic. You can thank your so-called present day religions for this. And the politicians along with the priests that are in conspiracy together to keep the average Joe confined into this way of thinking, in keeping his energies perverted and to keep him in the mess that he is in.
It is by disease that health is pleasant. Sometimes is it good to be ill. Nothing wrong in it. A healthy person is bound to fall ill sometimes. But you have a different idea about this. You think that a healthy person should always be healthy, but this is not possible. Only a dead person is never ill. But a healthy person is bound to be ill sometimes. And from illness he will be healthy again.
Osho teaches that life has a rhythm, a man who has lived his life, lives through times of misery and the times of pleasure, times of being good and times of being evil, through the peaks and the valleys of himself, he will come to know that the suffering exists to make himself blissful. The night exists to give him a new day. Because bliss cannot exist without suffering. Hence suffering exists. And this is how the consciousness of man grows.
The life is not stagnated. It is always moving from one extreme into the other. To be moving shows that it is alive. To always be a saint, and one will have only become a dead saint.
So now you have another first hand report from one of those that were there... except this one refutes the garbage that you have borrowed from others... and believe to be true.
- turiya -*-
Believing is not part of the way I choose to live, try replacing it with experiencing, otherwise you will remain
just another run of the mill hypocrite, Quinta Essentia, ...and, so think it... if you feel you must...
do you know what hypocrite means? it means one who says one thing but does another.
can you show me how i have been a hypocrite?
Certainly, and I won't have to go very far.
You have said you never have experienced the man, or commune yourself...
And yet you say you know him to be a drug addicted, sociopathic, psychotic, murderous, molesting, thieving, power mad control freak who had no qualms at all in destroying the lives of thousands of people on a whim.
Having personal experience of something is one thing, to say you know something because of what someone else has told you and then calling it your own knowing is something entirely different. Yes, I call this pretending to be something you are not. It is being hypocritical. To call the borrowed knowledge that you have attained from somebody else and then calling it your own knowing is being a hypocrite. You are the believer, yourself, yet you call me that.
Perhaps you have gotten into the habit of borrowing knowledge from others, hearing it from others, storing it within your brain and turning around and spewing it out as if this to be your very own knowing, so much so that you are not aware that you are doing it. You are deceiving yourself without realizing it... an unconscious hypocrite at that.
Reporting what I have experienced... It is my experience, not my belief. What you are reporting is not your experience, it is borrowed, it is your belief. This is a good example of how this humanity of ours has come to standing on its head. You are like most of the power hungry politicians you speak up against, you twist and turn the meanings of words to suit your own ambitions, your own desires, your own ways to pull power trips over others. And Not at all capable of seeing the politician that dwells within you. Yes, this is what I call being a hypocrite. Pointing the finger outward and not seeing that the same exists within you. Blaming the others for your own self-created mess inside... is being a hypocrite.
i personally know several people with first hand experience at Rajnessh's little hell hole of a commune in oregon. i know of the rapes and the molestations and the murder and the suicide. i know of the guns and the drug abuse. its a long sad story, and the people who survived are still dealing with the ramifications.
Perhaps, it may have been the experience of others but you are the one that is reporting this. This turns it into information, or better, misinformation, that you are wanting others to believe to be true. It is not. It remains borrowed, it is not your own experience. As far as anyone else here is concerned you are just telling a tall tail. You are reporting like you are running a tabloid ,here. I can discard these rantings of rape and murder because they are not real. It is the drama your are creating here for others to read.
Be careful with the words you use... this is something Socrates has said... it is obvious, you are not careful at all.
- turiya -*-
so we can only have opinions of those we have actually met? in that case you must withdraw your previously expressed opinions of Jesus, Socrates, Buddha, Pythagoras, etc since you never met them. will you do it?
also since you never met me, how can you have an opinion that i am a hypocrite? you see the problem here.
It is not a problem at all... all words are lies... that is the only reality that exists... whether you heard something said by Alex Jones or out of the mouth of Gautama Buddha himself... your own mind will distort it into something different, regardless. Everyone is a hypocrite, no need to feel offended. We are related.
I will withdraw what I have come to find out about Jesus, Socrates, Buddha, and Pythagoras, etc. because I don't know these people... What has been written about and by these people also has been altered over time.... And you, as well.
There is something that is in words, though... more correctly, something that exist between the words... something of an essence that is not tangible, yet, it can be felt in the heart. Many centuries may pass and yet something that hovers around the words of such fellows can be felt at times, by certain people sensitive enough to allow it. It can be felt when one drops from the thinking of the head to the feeling of the heart. If one can feel that something... if one can resonate on a deeper, non physical level... then that is what can be more real than anything else in this world.
For me, I have resonated with the man call Osho/Rajneesh... something was triggered inside of me... I resonate with his words to this day. It may not be for everyone... but that is not a problem either. Everyone walks on this Earth in their own way.
peace -*-