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Re: MS and you as my best friend
chrisb1 Views: 4,909
Published: 17 y
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Re: MS and you as my best friend

Hello mo123
I thought you may find this information to be helpful in regard to MS..........

MS is essentially a hardening (sclerosis), in this case of the nerve tissue, which interferes with the proper functioning of the nerves and the symptoms that arise from it. The beginnings of MS are found in inflammation and not hardening.
It also depends on the stage, and to the length of time that the disease has developed, as to its eventual successful remedy.

"I have never had the opportunity to care for a case of multiple sclerosis in the early stages, hence I can only suggest that if these cases were given "Hygienic" care at the outset of their trouble, the percentage of recoveries would be high. All of the cases I have had the privilege of caring for, have been in advanced stages and I do not consider these favorable cases.
The fact that I have been able to return some of these, even in helpless conditions, to a state of usefulness speaks volumes for the efficiency of the Hygienic Program in restoring normal tissue and functional condition.
I am convinced that daily sunbathing in these cases is especially helpful in furthering the evolution of nerve health. The diet is one of fresh fruits and vegetables with only moderate quantities of fats, sugars, starches and proteins.

The important thing for us to remember is that the sclerosis does not belong to the initial stages of the disease. In these early stages recovery is most likely to take place, providing only that all impairing influences are removed from the life of the individual and the blood and flesh are freed of their toxic load.

It is also in the initial stage of MS that full recovery is or should be possible, not in the very advanced stages when irreversible changes in the nerve structures have already taken place."

Dr H M Shelton in: Fasting Can Save Your Life. Pages 108--112.

Warm Regards



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