Re: Starting Budwig Diet/Protocol!
Wow, I am so proud of you. You are doing fabulous. Might make a few suggestions. If you could wait 30 minutes after your meal to have the fruit it would be better for the digestion. Or 30 minutes before the meal.
Now you know why I stay with the budwig cause I love, love, love the taste of the labane and flaxseed. I vary it from time to time. Now I am using alot of cayenne which was a gradual process but sometimes I take some pumpkin seeds and grind them with the flax seeds. I know you don't have a grinder but after you get use to this diet I feel for sure you will buy one. I have a Krups coffee grinder and I use it only for the seeds and i think in America they cost around twenty dollars. I just take a tissue and wipe it out. Fresh flax is much better than the meal. Keep the meal and any seeds in the frig. To me this is a real treat and it has so many blessings.
I really love the yogurt mix with bananas, they are my favorite. Strawberries are nice too. Sorry I did not write sooner but was in Amman today and then was busy getting my cooler fixed. Hooray, I finally got my filter. It is so hot.
I know you do not have cancer but any disease such as candida is a step away from other diseases and if you treat your disease as a major disease then when it is a minor disease it goes away. I would like you to look into EFT. This is such a blessings. It is a brain nerve process and involves tapping and I have had great success with this. If you will research EFT on the internet you can download a free book and it teaches you this. Also budwig stresses this also. You can do things such as loose weight, stop cancers, stop pain etc. Especially now that you cannot take pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals include vitamins except the natural food ones that you make homemade yourself such as ginger and tumeric an anti inflammatory herbs. Also I love rosemary and dandelion.
As for me reminding you over and over about the 5 year termination thing, I feel obligated as I am a so called Natural Doctor and want to make sure I cover all bases as I will have to be responsible for any info I give out. I wrote to the girls on this one and they told me I was not going to die and I should just follow a
healthy Diet as what I suggested to you. Yes I sent you the stage 4 cancer cure as I feel it is a remedy for all diseases. In fact I bought the bread today and I still need the cod liver oil but I intend to try it in the next couple of days. Do you know that cayenne is a cure for prostrate cancer and prostrate inflammation so why not in your case too. So you are a smart person think about the info and then decide. did you know also that if you are having a heart attack if you will put 1 t. of cayenne in a 8 ounce glass of water and drink it fast you will stop the heart attack. It will kill you going down almost as it is extremely hot. I can't do it and that is why I put an 1/8 t. in my yogurt mixture every day.
Ok I guess I gave you enough homework for today. Good luck and May Allah grant you wellness.