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Re: Rethinking Birthright citizenship means what exactly?
Ohfor07 Views: 1,915
Published: 17 y
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Re: Rethinking Birthright citizenship means what exactly?

Where do the Mexicans go? If the U.S. bio-tech industry has it's way, the relatively few legitimate Mexican subsistence farmers still existing today will go into the dark night better known as the open arms of Monsanto. Even if they are so poor by that time that the means of contracting to rent patented crops is beyond them, the World Bank will also be waiting around with open arms to subsidize that endeavor. That will be it's own unique death sentence handed out by way of the system paved in part by the U.S.' so-called tax dollars and the corporate welfare it breeds in parallel with increasing masses of public welfare recipients. Where Mexicans go will be to work in the designer slave factory - farmerless farming, where the produce is the hideous brand of industrial corn grown from the green deserts that is presently the state of the art of what well-paid new-science / junk-science scientists in the U.S. have come up with. How many Americans do you see and hear moaning and bitching ad nauseam about that particular use of their so-called tax dollars? So long as Mexicans manage to stay in their native homes to endure all of that, you probably won't hear or see so much as a peep. Correction: you are cordially invited to consider my posts a peep in this context. Meanwhile, the remaining vestiges of thousands of years of farming tradition go down the state-sponsored drain, taking with it what may be the world's last existing viable outpost and reservoir still hanging on to the growing of real, actual, bona fide corn. "unemployed" does not say the half of it because this term has too much modernized U.S. meaning welded onto it. How "employed" did the Segundino family look to you? Did you notice them traipsing around in $60 sneakers that light up? Did you notice a Muffy and Bif sporting day-glow dental ware? Did you notice the family in unison plugged into the teet of a mind-controlling sparkle box nattering away at them constantly from somewhere in their living quarters? Did you even notice the decor of their living quarters? Did you happen to notice how utterly devoid of the gaudy trinkets that has become the modern hallmark of living in the U.S.? These Mexicans won't begin to be infected with all of that until their search for survival leads them across the border to then become "illegal" in the process. Then and only then will be seen and heard the great sucking sound that is the hue & cry, the great chorus of moaning and bitching - on queue, over the assault upon social services funded by so-called tax dollars.


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