While I can understand and appreciate some of the sentiment on "illegals", this is an issue that many Americans have been guided to have a one track mind on .... tunnel vision .... not seeing the whole picture, if you know what I mean. That this has reached a crescendo during an election year has helped this one-note-johnny become a one-sided view that for me got old quite some time ago. Try to bear in mind that Mexicans who have managed to stay right at home in Mexico where American taxpayers want them to stay, have been fighting their own struggle for years against a brand of illegal immigrants. One specific example is a multinational brand of illegal immigrant that is US branded and patented ... an illegal immigrant that, technically, for global business purposes, has been deemed legal and approved safe for human consumption. Among the many modern benefits that Mexicans living in Mexico don't have to rely on the way Americans do is that they are not allowed to swamp the airwaves talking about the evils of green deserts invading their lands...and farmerless farmers. That kind of content does not get much air time internationally, neither during the prime time of US election season nor during the off season. Nonetheless, Mexicans living in Mexico are dying from all manner of bizarre diseases, and those not dying are still going hungry and homeless because of the ravages of "illegals" invading their land. The "illegals" card works both ways. Try to keep this in mind.