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Re: David C, IS this the post you meant???? I see you still need forgiving.
Marlene2038 Views: 5,419
Published: 17 y
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Re: David C, IS this the post you meant???? I see you still need forgiving.

You are the one who can't stay away from my posts. If you are prohibited or blocked you call on someone please to come and get after me. You can't erase or delete your posts here like you do on the Getting Better Together Board. You demeaned me and said you don't believe me. Is this debate? I don't accept being called a liar time and time again. I don't accept being told that I don't have MS according to you. I don't accept haveing it said that what I believe is BS. I don't accept that saying I am boring is appropriate anyplace. I don't accept that you really want to recover. I don't accept being told I am a cult leader's wife. I don't accept being called crazy. If this is a debate forum say something besides that you took an overdose of the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and got sick. I was careful not to get queezy, Nor did I have severe diarrhea, I didn't almost have a heart attack nor did I have to stay in bed because I overdosed. The main thing you accuse me of is not getting better and not proving to you that I have. People believe what they want to believe. It appears to makes you temporarily happy to try to intimmidate me. Venting your anger isn't healthy. I don't know why you behave the way you do. I probably will never understand all of your motives. What you are doing however is not debate. It is rude and crude and totally uncalled for. Being angry at this illness isn't healthy for you. I know it must feel good to attack and belittle others especially when they tell you they have found a way to get better from a disease which totally consumes you. You have chosen to believe one way and evidentally it isn't making you feel happy or healthy. I on the other hand believe in myself and have found support to recover my health. I just wish you and all those who you influence would stop fighting it. You can recover but not with hearts full of anger and distress. Being a human being is more than striking out with anger and trying to hit any one who moves forward. I have concidered most alternatives and found I want to be complete again. I also want all those with this disease to stop hurting and being in pain. Your pain doesn't make me feel better. It rather deminishes what to me is being human. I can deal with this but I hate to see you wasteing so much time in anger and pain. This will not help you to recover. Why don't you take a break from the anger you spread around and rest. I know if you are suffering as much as I used to you need more rest. MW


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