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David C, IS this the post you meant???? I see you still need forgiving.
Marlene2038 Views: 5,564
Published: 17 y
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David C, IS this the post you meant???? I see you still need forgiving.

DAVID This was written to a young man who is now experiencing what I think is a exacerbation. He is losing more of his physical abilities and needed help. Please read what I have said carefully. I don't go into the success I have had removing symptoms by using Miracle-Mineral-Supplement but it is clearly indicated. I suppose you think people should repeat every fact they know everytime they speak. You know I could do this as I type fast. I also learn new things everyday fast so sometime I would have to give up learning or writing. I also understand what I read and generally am a success at this.

______,I would be happy to speak to Doctors at the clinic regarding your situation. I really don't know the details of your situation. You can email me and I will give you their phone number. If you wish to tell me about your symptoms I could suggest a dr and speak to the staff for recommendations. I have treated with the same clinic for most of my illness. Dr's there have always found a treatment to reduce my symptoms. They have supported and overseen new treatments when I suggested them. The Doctors were very agreeable to me having what ever treatments I thought would help. I have also taken their recommendations on many supplements and treatments and tests. I still use many of the supplements which were recommended almost 30 years ago.
Dr Sandra Denton who was at the clinic at that time suggested the Mercury removal.
I did the Hal Huggins protocol when I had my Amalgams removed. I took the Huggins recommended supplements and found a mercury free dentist Paul Rubin in Seattle to remove the Amalgams with proper equipment and techniques.
I found a different Mercury free dentist who didn't do a good job of replacing the crowns and bridges with composits. I have had a lot of problems since having this work done. She used Pink gum material which I later found contains either cadmium or mercury and the teeth are continually coming off and the bridges are always breaking. Although she said she would stand behind her work this has not been the case. She blamed the labs but she choose the labs.
I proceeded to do the chelating and found through the DMPS and lab test I had high levels of Mercury even though I was using lots of oral chelating agents (chorella, celantro) I did the IV chelation for many rounds and found my levels of Mercury went down. Any IV work can be hard on the veins and mine finally were collapsing and very difficult to access. I started doing oral Zeolite to chelate the Mercury which worked well for several months then I felt as if I was just moving the heavy metals around. My kidneys didn't seem to work as well and I believed that they were stressed by trying to get the Mercury out. I also felt very tired so I quit the Zeolite. The doctor found my blood pressure had increased and I was retaining water.

At about that time I found Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and I believe that removed a lot of the toxins, Mercury, Lead, and Arsenic as well as killing most of the pathogens the labs have found in the past. I reported my use of Zeolite and Miracle-Mineral-Supplement to my Doctors and the Lab tecs and they monitored my condition at the time. My edema and blood pressure had improved.
I have reported my improvements to them and found they have a doctor at the clinic studying the MMS.

Although I try to explain my situation to this board one of the problems MS has given me is cognitive. I work to regain my cognitive skills and can see them improving. Working on this board for a long time was an outlet and good way for me to do this. I also felt that I could share all the many treatments which have helped me and help others.

The last 3 years I have seen people come here with the intention of ridiculing every thing I say and the treatments which have helped me. I don't think this is healthy for me. I see people misinterpreting to cover their own behavior on the board. They continue to reinforce their beliefs or lies by the association with a group which has a troll for a leader.

I am well known in my community and well liked so I felt I could afford to continue to post my response to the treatments I have used. I am accessing that decision now. ONE TREATMENT probably won't help anyone but a combination of treatments and nutrients may help us recover. I say Dr Wright was instrumental in my cure or recovery. He and his staff have overseen my recovery. Part of his ability to cure is in his belief that I could recover. So if the laws say he isn't able to suggest that he cured me so be it. If it weren't for the support I received from him, his clinic and staff, I would still be looking for a Dr with his desire for my health.

What I needed Lab work, diagnosis, treatments, support and directions I received. It has taken about 30 years but I had improvements when I needed them. Did they hold? Not always but I knew I could redo them and find another treatment which would help me pursue my recovery. I knew they would be there to stand beside me in this pursuit. I am very grateful for them (the clinic and staff). This gratitude is a part of my recovery. I also have a lot of compassion and love for those of you who don't have the support I have. I can even forgive those who chose to demean and slander me. I understand they are hurting and their need to spew their anger on something. The problem is that they are hurting themselves with this behavior. Anyone with MS can't afford to allow themselves this bitterness and anger.

It is even worse to associate with those who are determined to share their anger and bitterness. I see they have deleted much of the past from their GBT forum but this doesn't take it from their hearts or immune system. They may claim a happy home and church affiliations, but even a little hate will generate and squelch love and harm recovery.
I am free of symptoms of active MS. I know I have some cognitive problems left but I am working on a nutrition program to repair this now. I believe with time, effort and directions we can all be well. In my opinion the cure is in the directions, support and how we use them. This message is intended to be supportive and helpful. You may want to find your own direction.
Your friend MW



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