I am a woman or at least I was when I woke up this morning ,alots changed since then . Despite discrimination against women for longer than is recorded by history , I got accepted to Berkeley , then med school and then an A list law school without the help of reverse discrimination , also known as affirmative action.I scored higher than 99% of men on the math SAT, did well on the MCAT and did better than 90% on the LSAT and I'm not the exception to the rule . Women , unless they are black or latino, are not the beneficiaries of affirmative action . The women at my law and med schools had scores on aadmissions tests and grades comparable to men.
The argument for affirmative action is that if we all grew up in the same environment and had access to high quality schools , we could all do well on standardized tests but this is not the case . I know minorities who graduated ivy league schools and still did poorly on the MCAT or LSAT . People from high income areas don't do well on standardized tests if they have low IQs ,regardless of how much they study