So now I am a Communist and DoDo because I support protection for labor and protectionism from exporting jobs overseas. The Constitution was a radical idea in its time but it was originally only meant for white land owners. The fact that others including women, ethnic minorities, and people with disabilities were added to its protections doesn't make me a Communist. It makes me an American. Once Corporations were given equal protection as if they were a United States Citizens, that was end of America, in my estimation. A Corporate/Government merger is no longer a Republic my friend but rather it is called Fascisim. Federal Corporatism combined with psuedo religion is what has driven the Republican Party since the 1930's, when Republicans supported a coup to turn the United States into a NAZI state. Fortunately for Americans, the coup was stopped or we would now be speaking German. The Ayn Rand- Social Darwinist' view of free trade economics combined with psuedo religion today have succeeded in a second coup but this time the NAZI's have taken over the central seat of power in the United States over seven years ago. The only cure for Fascism is a return to Constitutional principals that include protection for all Americans- not just White- Wealthy- Land Owners. You can go back and say that everything was just dandy back when black men knew their place but that will never occur again. Once a man tastes freedom, it is ever so hard to take it from him again. You can't push a butterfly back into its cacoon.