Are you really a Libertarian?
Are you really a Libertarian?
Are you Libertarian? I have tried to go down that path with my thought processes but in my opinion, Libertarians only have a part of the puzzle. They may be for liberty and that is grand but they scorn using the product of their labor to support the poor and powerless. Altruism may be a nasty word to Libertarians but I say it is a round about way of protecting yourself. Without altruism, black people have made no gains in the United States since slavery. Left to their own devices, in my own childhood neighborhood, whites would just assume hang the black man. Libertarians are opposed to anti-discrimination laws. Libertarianism, religions and perhaps human nature create a cast system that to me is an intolerable injustice to those not in the top tier of power. Left to its own nature, men in power in United States will all be those who are wealthy and supremely self centered at the expense of all of those in the out group. Racism is an acceptable but inevitable condition Libertarians. I had my own spiritual experience that convinced me that my own racist upbringing is diametrically opposed to the nature of soul. Every soul is an equal. If one believes there can be any equality without a rule of law protecting those who are not in the majority then they are fooling themselves. I lived in Mexico where Spanish speaking Mexicans are racists when it comes to the slightly darker skinned Indigenous people of their own nation. What is obvious to me is that those Indigenous people are very skinny, because they are not allowed to participate in even this third world society, to feed themselves and their families. Mexico is for all intensive purposes a sham of Socialism as the elite are wealthy beyond any reasonable measure and the average Mexican makes an average of $1 US Dollar and hour. The indigenous people make an average of S.35 an hour. Without a system of rules and laws protecting those not in the elite in-group, this is how the United States will become. An indigenous person running for public office in Mexico will be assassinated. It may be altruistic to oppose racism but I am willing to give some of my liberty away to make room for anti-discrimination laws. It may take away some liberty to have laws to protect those not in the majority but, I may be in the majority today but perhaps tomorrow I will not. Without altruism as a cultural value, I leave myself open to discrimination.
The free market is a Libertarian ideal that I oppose. In a free market, a Libertarian outlook allows the Corporations to move the American manufacturing base to nations where they use forced or slave labor. In those nations desiring free markets they murder union organizers that want to improve working conditions. In the 90's, poor farmers were forced off of their farms by U.S. dumping of corn and now the displaced farmer is forced to work in factories. In Nicaragua, these farmers are no longer able to sell corn so they indenture their children out to forced labor camps that pay an average of $.45 an hour. They are literally sold into bondage to feed their families. Where $.45 per hour was too much, it is just does not matter to the Corporate Libertarian, for Right Wing Death Squads to murder union organizers. Left to the free market with no laws to protect unions, it is okay to murder union organizers to keep the wages down. The Libertarian has no qualms about moving the Corporations manufacturing to China in the cost of labor in Nicargau goes up to $.50 and hour. In China, many men are out of work as they refuse to work for the low wages they pay in factories so they use children and women as laborers who make $.10 an hour and they murder union organizers there as well. The result for America's conceding to the Libertarian free-trade idea is that every American's wage will one day be reduced until we who are not the "wealthy" Corporate Libertarians have the value of our labor reduced to the level of Chinese labor. I will give up some liberty for protection of laborers in the United States. I will give some liberty away to prevent wealthy Corporate Libertarians from allowing their laissez-faire view of free markets to reduce the value of American labor for all who are not wealthy to the lowest wage in the world. Libertarians are opposed to laws protecting unions and union organizers. It may seem altruistic to want to protect laborers with unions but the result of seven years of Corporate Libertarianism, America has sent its manufacturing base to the lowest bidder and the results have been disastrous. You may call it altruism to believe in labor protection but it is the only reason why America ever became an exporter of goods. Today, with Libertarian free markets, Chinese laborers are the Corporate Libertarian end result.
In a Libertarian world, there is no protection or special assistance for those with disabilities. In nations with no protection for the disabled, the blind are limited to begging. In Spain, blind people are only allowed to sell lotto tickets. A step up from begging perhaps but most people, if they live long enough, will have some type of disability. I am willing to give up some liberty so the blind, deaf, those with missing limbs, paralyzed, bound to a wheel chair, and those with other disabilities are protected from discrimination.
A Libertarian sees no need to build and maintain facilities for the mentally ill. When Reagan came into office, one of his first official acts was to release the people in half way houses and mental institutions from the group homes where they lived. These people with low intelligence or mental illness are now called homeless. Ronald Reagan's Libertarian views eliminated housing and feeding these individuals. In my estimation, Reagan's world Laissez-faire view of not helping these people who are not capable of taking care of themselves has taken away what made the United States great and re-formed it into a mean spirited place no different than the puppet dictatorships that are financed by the Corporate Libertarians of the United States. Without altruism, the wealthy, healthy and wise become whatever they want at the expense of those who are not wealthy, healthy and wise. I believe that a nation should not be judged by how the best and brightest are given full reign to do whatever they want but rather how they treat the least among them.
In my opinion, Corporate Laissez-faire or Libertarianism has been the demise of the United States. As the United States propels its way into complete corporate control it descends into anarchy. This is the favorite place for the Libertarian. The land of lawlessness where he with the biggest gun is king. Oops... this is what America has descended into already- Racist, anti-human, and ruthless. Ron Paul caught my attention as someone who wanted to bring the rule of law back to America. He says he is a Libertarian but any rule to a Libertarian is too heavy a burden. I agree with having a rule of law but the true Libertarian allows the market to be the rule.
I believe the lawless Corporate Libertarians may be the end of the United States as a
sovereign nation. Predators are picking it apart piecemeal as we speak. When you start protecting markets instead of people, you may not be an altruistic commie but you may not be someone I would want running my country. I have had my fill of Libertarian, Free-Market, Corporate Laissez-faire.