On the street where I live there are an equal amount of Hispanics, Blacks, Whites, and even a multiracial couple. The neighbor with the best yard is the Black teacher next door who teaches children from the same variety of races. For kids today, this the norm. You can try to go back to a time before Civil Rights but there are enough people on my block that will not go along with your apartheid caste system to stop you from sending them back to where you would have them go or what? Would you put on your hood and round up your buddies to drive them away from your neighborhood school> Would you call it all glory to lock my neighbors up in concentration camps? Would you drive them away from the voting booth with burning crosses? You can't go back to your glory days of racism. There are not enough of you to hang us all. You can call it a Nanny state but the teacher next door would have never had an opportunity to teach, the Hispanic man across the street would not have been allowed to own his own successful business that serves people of all races in your White Only World. A blind woman on my block is Hispanic and blind. She has a degree and has a job as a career counselor. There is a White musician and car salesman and the poorest guy on the block is probably me. I know there are many people who will believe they have more stature because of their race and once upon a time, I believed America was great because of White Men but today I believe that when one has to put another down to make oneself seem tall, then one is standing on unstable ground. A human back you may ride for a while but one day he will throw you from off his back. Once off of his back, he may want you to return the favor. I hope it doesn't happen to you some day...