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Re: Religious and conservatives disrupt atheist and left forums ; Trolls

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Karlin Views: 5,240
Published: 17 y
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Re: Religious and conservatives disrupt atheist and left forums ; Trolls

simplify was talking to me, I am sure... she [?] is a religious person who believes god directs all our actions and everything on earth at all times. Whew!! - another one of those, my goodness!!
simplify, you are talking about biology. I do not wake myself up, it is a natural circadian pattern, it is biology. [how the heck is rythmn spelled?] All the mysteries in the world are not proof of god, but you go ahead and believe it.


Tom - "there are no atheists in foxholes?" Yes there are, I heard a soldier dispute that old notion just last week. It is another myth to say that when we get into serious trouble, facing death, that we become religious. Look how willing you are to believe stuff that the religious peddle.

On another note, if you would be good enough to come out and say it, I am almost certain by now that you are a "creationist" - I have raised the topic several times and you have never come out and said what you believe there.


"This is a debate forum" - okay, fine, you do not have a clue what we atheists would be discussing if we were not constantly distracted by this religious debate. And if this debate forum us open to the religious ones to come in and challenge us atheists on our views, then I just might see you in the Christianity Forum . I have respected what has been said there about that I should stay out of it and "keep my atheist views to myself". Hmmmm.

You are upset. I am sorry about that. That was never my intention.

You called me angry, and said I should take a look at what I said... here it is:
Me: "But the topic of "god" is boring, lets stop it ok?"
Tom: "what's all that anger about karlin?"

What about this:
"What the Friggen freakin fack are you talking about??? NOW I am bleedin' crappin' gawddang angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rage rage rage rage rage, this really pees my off!!!"

- see? - THATS being angry. I was just pretending there, by the way. Your "Karlin is angry" comment came after I begged you to stop asking me to talk about god - it IS boring me, because it is boring. I didn't say you were boring personally, but I suppose that is perhaps implicated, but I didn't mean it that way.

-----------------Finally, ME:

Here in the atheism forum, we would talk amongst ourselves about such things as the world that could be if we stopped living in fantasy, and topics such as that might not be debating the existence of god at all. We would have a chance to solidify what we see wrong with believing in god, and we would find out all the best arguements against the belief in god - is THAT what you are here to to? Are you afraid we might come up with some watertight arguments?

See how you have disrupted what might otherwise be a productive and interesting discussion? And you keep doing it, over and over again. So, I big farewell to this atheist forum - go sleep on that egg, my friend.

And similarly, when I try to find a forum to discuss the "left" political views, we allways get the "right wing" people coming in to take over. It is often true that the religious and the right are the same people... Not to be snooty, but the left and atheist people do not "invade" the right/religious forums, we stay the heck away from them.

Do you know what a troll is? Of course you do. Some trolls actually get paid to do their dirty work by religious and right wing groups. There is a lot of spare money in rightwing groups, because they believe in the concentration of money and power. Is that what you believe it? I think that religion does that too - concentrates power in one they call god.



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