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Re: "God doesn't play dice with the Universe" Einstein!
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Re: "God doesn't play dice with the Universe" Einstein!

Are you an atheist? If so, you probably think you wake yourself up every morning, crawl out of bed, go on your merry way and accomplish all the things you accomplish all under your own power. Mister, if you had that kind of power you would never give it up. The fact that some day you will be required to relinquish what little power you think you have is proof that you don't own it. And, just as sure as you are here now that day will come and you won't be able to do a thing about it. If you had the power you would prevent that day from coming. You have no power. You're nothing but a glob of matter. The stuff you're made of can be found in the dirt. There is something special that makes you a living being and you can't understand it.

You're probably one of those people who know how the universe came into existence but you can't explain how the Pyramid of Egypt were built.


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