Re: calorie restriction diet forum
> Roy Walford died recently the author of the "100yr diet" at the age of 79
> was sick with Lew Gerrigs Disease
> studies have shown to be a side affect of this diet
This is complete crap, Roy Walford died because the nitrous oxide concentration was 100x higher than the outside world. This was because he took part in an experiment claled biosphere 2 and the glass roof blocked ultraviolet light.
> this diet is that it is promoted at the high school particularly college aged
> kids
Calorie Restriction is clearly not for kids, this diet should not be taken up untill you are atleast into your 20's where you have fully grown. It has never been recommended that people go onto calorie restriction at a young age because it retards growth.
> who we all know have serious problems with nutrition and the insidious nature of > anorexia nervosa and the medias pressure on them to be ultra thin!
The majority of people that go on calorie restriction are people that understand nutrition very well. They are usually intelligent people and want to live a long time. People that have any past problem with eating disorders should not do calorie restriction.
What is calorie restriction?
Calorie restriction is the only known way to retard biological ageing in mammals. If done right it can extend life by upto 30-40%. It extends both average and maximum life span and also delays the onset of nearly every 'common' disease that humans tend to get as they age such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, AD + PD and others.
Calorie restriction is about eating foods that are only high in nutrition and low in calories. We live off mostly Vegetables and fruits and eat plenty of fish and lean meat. People practising calorie restriction will usually eat around 1100 to 1800 k/cal per day. This does result in being ultra thin but all tests done on humans so far indicate that people doing CR are ageing more slowly, certain biomarkers of ageing area really good, their lipid profiles better than people decades younger, their blood pressure on average is around 100/60 - which is about the same as an average 10 year old.
We have regular blood tests done, about 3 times per year to check for any problems, but all seems to be good so far. People on calorie restriction in terms of health are in the top 90% of their age group.
For more information you can visit
On main page there are 3 videos you can take a look at.
you can see some video news reports on CR here
Check out the video on the left.