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Re: calorie restriction diet forum
Grog Views: 2,610
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 11,559

Re: calorie restriction diet forum

Hi Joe !
Well the purina labs are well known by those who in the know of the abusive environment of these labs. Also I have owned dogs and cats all my life and if there is one thing an animal really seems to enjoy in this life it is eating ! lol! I have a pound puppy now that sets her clock by feeding time and knows how to get those treats by grabbing my attention and making her point well known that she wants her treat!
This diet is I believe a personal choice diet . particularly to the well informed serious dieter ! My other problem with this diet is that it is promoted at the high school and particularly the college aged kids , who we all know have serious problems with nutrition and the insidious nature of anorexia nervosa and the medias pressure on them to be ultra thin!
Further research shows those who promote this diet also promote soy products and aspertame!
Roy Walford died recently the author of the "100yr diet" at the age of 79 and was sick with Lew Gerrigs Disease, which is the deterioration of the musculature neurons which in studies have shown to be a side affect of this diet!
So Joe it your choice but I would say to be careful and don't go to extremes with it! Good Luck! Grog

Hi Joe !
Well the purina labs are well known by those who in the know of the abusive environment of these labs. Also I have owned dogs and cats all my life and if there is one thing an animal really seems to enjoy in this life it is eating ! lol! I have a pound puppy now that sets her clock by feeding time and knows how to get those treats by grabbing my attention and making her point well known that she wants her treat!
This diet is I believe a personal choice diet . particularly to the well informed serious dieter ! My other problem with this diet is that it is promoted at the high school and particulrly the college level kids , who we all know have serious problems with nutrition and the insidious nature of anorexia nervosa and the medias pressure on them to be ultra thin!
Further research shows those who promote this diet also promote soy products and aspertame!
Roy Walford died recently the author of the "100yr diet" at the age of 79 an was sick with Lew Garrigs Desease wich is the deterioration of the musculature neurons which in studies have shown to be a side affect of this diet!
So Joe it your choice but I would say to be careful and don't got to extremes with it! Good Luck! Grog


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